What you can expect with us...
SEO Copywriter UK will help your website improve position in Google search results by supplying search engine optimised web copy and blog content. Additionally, we have the knowledge and experience to provide total online marketing for your business.
Our SEO services form a foundation for us to build your brand, to provide a broader audience and to educate your potential customers on all the good things you do / can offer. At SEO Copywriter UK, We are passionate about providing a first class service at great rates and focus heavily on results.

That's twice already we have mentioned results...
...Allow us to back this up!
Here’s an example from one of our clients – all these keywords are on page 1 of Google and Bing.
(along with a lot more)

With over 12 years of optimising websites, SEO Copywriter UK is very confident that we can take your site to new heights and increase website traffic.
How can SEO Copywriter UK assist you?
We offer a number of solutions to increase exposure to your website and business, from our standard (and highly effective) SEO copywriting treatments to social media and website design. Our social media marketing packages are cost effective and offer a true return on investment. Our website design service is a fantastic way of really capitalising on SEO – with ultra fast website load times and correct execution of all aspects of SEO, from design level upwards.
Please view our core services below
SEO Copywriting
Our proven SEO methods will see your site reach higher positions in search results.
Social Media
Full service Social Media for better reach, increased followings & improved engagement.
Website Health Check
We provide website analysis and performance reports prior to work undertaken.
Product Descriptions
Unique, enticing and well written product descriptions that help convert into sales.
Blog Content
We supply original, informative blog copy to suit any business sector.
Website Design
We design beautiful, responsive websites that are found in Google search.
You are on our website as you are probably looking for the right SEO agency to increase your rankings, we are that agency.
Get in touch with us today – you will not regret it!
At SEO Copywriter UK, we write for two audiences – The human user AND the search engine.
Many other agencies use this term as well, but we believe few appreciate what it really means, or understand how to adapt their writing processes to capture both targets.
Recent successes for our clients...
SKS Jewellers
We undertook a thorough keyword research for our client SKS Jewellers. Using our very specific evaluations of keyword competition in Google, we discovered a very underused keyword that had real relevance to some of the products supplied.
We redesigned the eCommerce site and ensured correct SEO was in place for the term ‘Heavyweight Jewellery‘
Google Position 1
HMO Advice
This was a second website for our client, a new advice service referring to HMO Licensing. We produced search engine optimised copy and a website designed with exact client brief fulfilled.
Once the website was launched we ran a Google PPC campaign with a very low cost per click. After 2 months, the website ranked organically for ‘HMO advice‘
Google Position 1
What can you expect with SEO Copywriter UK?
We are a friendly team that want to work with you. We include our clients in every step of our SEO processes, giving clients full control. We like to start from the base up and provide a free backlink check on all sites before getting to work.
Our uncomplicated, jargon-less communication ensures our clients are always aware of what we will do for them and why. The end result is a better ranking website, with an increase in the monthly volume of traffic. The SEO Copywriter UK approach is natural and organic and always on the right side of Search Engine guidelines.
Finally, our prices always mean we deliver high value for money – what we believe to be the number 1 UK SEO Copywriting service.
We look after clients all over the UK and beyond!
Happy Clients…
Some SEO stats of interest!
(and why you need an SEO Copywriter…)
Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day.
(Source: Internet Live Stats)
75% of searchers never go past the first page of search results.
(Source: HubSpot)
70% of the links clicked on in searches are organic, not paid.
(Source: Search Engine Land)
Positions 1, 2 & 3 in Google search results account for over 60% of all clicks from organic searches.
(Source: SmartInsights)